Linux Improvements: * Autofinish on Linux can now handle larger amounts of memory (enough for most bacterial genomes). * Gnome users: the blank window problem is now fixed Each of these new features is explained in README.txt supplied with Consed. These are just the highlights. Consult README.txt for more new features. AutoPCRAmplify This is a new automated method of picking PCR primers to amplify particular regions. It has been extensively used already. New Autofinish Features: * Autofinish is now easier to use because there is a point-and-click method of changing Autofinish parameters. * You can mark the end of a BAC and Autofinish will not try to extend past the end of the BAC. * Smarter about which subclones to eliminate from using for read templates. New Consed Features: * Restriction Digest Display: graphically compares a real digest to the digest predicted from the sequence. * Highlights mismatching fragments * The predicted fragments can be sorted by size (like a real gel), or sorted by position in the contig. * Also can print out a text version * Enables to to easily see the sequence of a particular location * Allows zooming in or out * Bird's eye view of the assembly, showing pairs of forward and reverse reads that are consistent and inconsistent with the assembly. * Has various filters to eliminate clutter and pinpoint misassemblies * Indicates the confidence that the assembly is correct at a particular location * Allows zooming in or out * Shows contig order and orientation * Consed now recalculates the quality values when modifying the assembly (adding new reads, joining, tearing, pulling a read out of a contig) * You can now pull *any* read out of a contig, even if the read protrude out from the ends. * Automatically scale traces so you don't have to keep changing the amplification as you move from one part of a read towards another, or as you compare traces from different kinds of sequencing machines * Consed can now handle traces that are very long (up to about 200Mb) * When joining 2 contigs, there is a visual indication of which read came from which old contig * Consed now allows as many tag types as you like * If you wonder why Consed's primer picker didn't choose a particular primer, you can now ask it for the reason. * Large speed up in Consed's primer picking in large assemblies * Many user-friendly features * Many bugs fixed